Fire Leezpunk Ignis

Leezpunk Ignis

A Pal that has an unusual obsession with their standing posture. Always in search of the hottest pose, this Pal's owner is constantly presented with fervent stances.

Leezpunk Ignis Details

Food 3
HP 80
Size S
Rarity 3
Melee Attack 90
Shot Attack 80
Defense 50
Support 100
Price 1640
Max Full Stomach 225
Male Probability 50

Leezpunk Ignis Speed

Craft Speed 100
Slow Walk Speed 100
Walk Speed 140
Run Speed 400
Ride Sprint Speed 550
Transportation Speed 270

Leezpunk Ignis Work Suitabilities

Kindling Kindling Level 1
Handiwork Handiwork Level 1
Gathering Gathering Level 1
Transporting Transporting Level 1

Leezpunk Ignis Active Skills

Ignis Blast Ignis Blast Level 1
Poison Blast Poison Blast Level 7
Spirit Fire Spirit Fire Level 15
Ignis Breath Ignis Breath Level 22
Flare Storm Flare Storm Level 30
Ignis Rage Ignis Rage Level 40
Fire Ball Fire Ball Level 50

Leezpunk Ignis Item Drops

Leezpunk Ignis Partner Skills

Sixth Sense Sixth Sense
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